
Showing posts from January, 2010

Go Vegetarian!

You may be wondering, "What can I do to save lives?" First, of course, you know you should never kill any animal. Fishing and hunting are terrible sports, and they bring disaster down on yourself and your loved ones. Don't kill animals for fun. Don't kill animals for food, either. By nature, human beings are designed to be vegetarians. The number one killer in the United States is heart disease. The National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute found that in 1989, Americans spent $151 billion dollars treating heart disease! And it's a proven medical fact that eating meat causes heart disease. Not just red meat. Meat. if you say NO to a hamburger and spare a cow's life; if you say NO to a pork chop and spare a pig's life; if you say NO to a drumstick and spare a chicken's life. The list of illnesses you can cause yourself by eating dead animals, eggs, and dairy products is long and horrifying. But that's only half the story. That's only the human ...

Earth Store Bodhisattva


english version.(peace,harmony?Bullshit!)



活在人间真不快乐。 每翻开报章,都是些伤透人心的报导。 苍天啊 。。难到人与人之间注定 互相残杀 吗 ?! 人性就哪么经不起考验吗? 钱,钱,钱。。拜钱主义。。 贪,贪,贪,贪得无厌!人有够丑陋的!千万年历史。。 相煎的本事,无论在国事,商业,可称得上一流!小百姓,苦不堪言。 “君子爱财,取之有道”21世纪,此话易说,难行也。。 人人都在骗。。骗。。。骗。。。。 高官骗高官, 高官骗小官, 小官骗人民, 人民骗人民, 家人骗家人, 朋友骗朋友, 爱人骗爱人, 不孝,不忠,不义! 人类, 消失吧 ! 把大自然还给我们, 把田园还给我们, 把海水还给我们, 把性命还给我们, 剩下的良知,你要不要,随您!

How To End Poverty?

The Rich Were All Miser?? If u are rich,PLEASE help the poor.. At least,YOU GIVE YOUR BEST. If You Are a SUCCESSFUL PERSON, PLease Help the SOCIETY , the poor and the unfortunate. May God Bless You.

Heal the world,people.

source from cnn.

To all Haitian,Be tough!

In my recent post,i posted something about the earth recycle. Then,EARTHQUAKE at HAITI had taken place...Some kind of 2012 What a GOD FORSAKEN place.. To all the HAITIAN "BE STRONG,JUST AT HOW THE CHINESE HAD MAKE IT..!" YOU WILL NEVER WALK ALONE.



Not Again??


2012 ??


Born in Shang Hai,Great Philosophy.

Great Guy,Great Brain,Great Sense of Humour,of course,Great Wisdom. Many people can't really read someone like him, who is "INTROVERT + TALENTED + SACRIFICIANAL + JOKER + REALISTIC + EMOTIONAL + ACTION" Watch His Movies,If You Wish to Know Him More, Trust Me,U will Love iT.. He is extraordinary guy,his name is STEVEN CHOW .



What have I learned in Year 2009

Hope "Less" Know the Procedures Patience. Security 1st. Spent wisely. Talk nicely.Be careful with words. Smile,for good. Look Straight. Experience the unexperience. Tough. Flexible in doing things. More Creativity. Go with the flow. Business steps (plan-survey-try(action)-decide (carry on?) -propose to friends or others= results 。 At last is 大智若愚 (Is OKAY,to be "Stupid")

Be Tough in 2010!
