Go Vegetarian!

You may be wondering, "What can I do to save lives?"
First, of course, you know you should never kill any animal.
Fishing and hunting are terrible sports, and they bring disaster down on yourself and your loved ones.
Don't kill animals for fun.
Don't kill animals for food, either.
By nature, human beings are designed to be vegetarians.

The number one killer in the United States is heart disease.
The National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute found that in 1989,
Americans spent $151 billion dollars treating heart disease!
And it's a proven medical fact that eating meat causes heart disease. Not just red meat. Meat.

if you say NO to a hamburger and spare a cow's life;
if you say NO to a pork chop and spare a pig's life;
if you say NO to a drumstick and spare a chicken's life.
The list of illnesses you can cause yourself by eating dead animals,
eggs, and dairy products is long and horrifying.
But that's only half the story. That's only the human suffering.

What about all those poor animals being slaughtered to provide us with the ingredients for all this bad health?
Do you think they enjoy it?

Fifteen total vegetarians can be feed on the amount of land it takes to feed one person eating a meat based diet.
In other words, when you eat meat, you are causing fourteen people to go hungry.

Another problem is that the way they produce meat today ruins the ecosystem.
If the ecosystem is ruined, we are all dead.
When you think how much better off we all would be eating grains and vegetables,
you probably realize it's not worth it to torture and kill animals.
Killing animals is a crime against nature.

"Lions and tigers kill things every day,
don't they? Then killing's natural,isn't it?"
Well, yes, but if you've never done this before,
this might not be a bad time for you to examine yourself.
Do you have a tail like a lion? Do you have stripes like a tiger?
Do you have big, sharp fangs and vicious claws?
No. What do you have?
Intelligence, a lot of intelligence,
so you can speak and read and write and reason,
instead of just biting and scratching.
You're supposed to use that intelligence to develop wisdom.

We are not wild beasts in the jungle any more,
we are civilized, and we are supposed to act that way.
As you grow up, you're supposed to outgrow your baby toys and tantrums;
as the human race develops,
we should leave behind our savage ways and develop our minds.

No animal can think hard enough to do that,
and not even many people can.
If you want to realize what the universe is all about,
you have to work very hard to develop wisdom.
Wisdom is the road to freedom. Freedom means freedom from suffering.

To build wisdom,
the first thing you have to do is stop making obstacles for yourself.
To build wisdom,
you need a strong body and a good mind.

If you load your body down with dead animals,
you're ruining your health.
If you want to be healthy,
you have to be a vegetarian.

(source from saowenzi.blogbus.com)


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